How Checkpoints Can Transform Your Child’s Motivation: A Simple Parenting Strategy

How Checkpoints Can Transform Your Child’s Motivation: A Simple Parenting Strategy

How Checkpoints Can Transform Your Child’s Motivation: A Simple Parenting StrategyBonnie and Thomas Liotta
Published on: 16/12/2024

Tom’s words struck a chord with me. I realized I had been doing exactly that with my children. I was giving them everything upfront—meals, treats, playtime—and expecting them to reciprocate with good behavior and diligence in their tasks. But just like employees need the incentive of a paycheck after their work, my children needed to earn their rewards.

ParentingCCFL Approach
How to Create an Environment That Empowers and Inspires Your Kids

How to Create an Environment That Empowers and Inspires Your Kids

How to Create an Environment That Empowers and Inspires Your KidsBonnie and Thomas Liotta
Published on: 09/12/2024

"Every child is a joy to be around when the correct environment is created." Think of it this way: mold thrives in dark, damp spaces. Change the environment—introduce light, warmth, and airflow—and the mold disappears. The same principle applies to your home. If certain behaviors from your kids frustrate you, the environment may need an adjustment.

Parenting TipsParentingCCFL Approach
How to Get Your Kids to do Chores

How to Get Your Kids to do Chores

How to Get Your Kids to do ChoresBonnie and Thomas Liotta
Published on: 02/12/2024

This shift from giving to earning cultivated a sense of ownership and accomplishment, strengthening his confidence and our family bond.

Calling All Mothers: Rise Up for the Next Generation

Calling All Mothers: Rise Up for the Next Generation

Calling All Mothers: Rise Up for the Next GenerationBonnie and Thomas Liotta
Published on: 25/11/2024

Moms, I'm here with a message that could transform the way you parent and change the course of your child's future. My name is Bonnie Leota, founder of Creating Champions for Life, and we work with families around the globe to create proactive and empowering home environments that drastically improve child behavior.

ParentingCCFL Approach

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