Creating Champions for Life



MARCH 16th / 8 AM - 11 AM MST

(7 AM - 10 AM PST, 10 AM - 1 PM EST)


This 3 Hour interactive and powerful parenting event happens every few months. Must attend live to participate. No replays.


When is NOW a good time to stop the bleeding?

Healing begins with learning to engage in taking ownership of your true role as a parent. Discover the secrets to creating an empowering environment that will put you in the driver's seat and have your kids waking up with a new zest for life every day.


Feel like there is a gap bigger than the grand canyon between you and your kids?

Re-unite the sacred relationship from father to son, mother to daughter where your Genius offspring sees you as their trusted advisor. You will become your child's greatest hero as you learn to empower them to think and act all on their own.


Have you ever felt like you've told your child 10 times and they don't hear you even once?

This final hour is the icing on the cake. There are only two reasons a child ever complains, and it's not because they need an extra hug. Find out what ingredients and words are helping, hurting or holding them in place.


Watch this short video to see the power of parenting with principles!

Bonnie Liotta

Meet Bonnie Liotta, a dynamic leader and mother of four, who embarked on a transformative journey when faced with the challenges of parenting children diagnosed with various behavior disorders.

As a leader with over 10,000 people relying on her in her business, Bonnie redirected her focus toward Creating Champions For Life after witnessing a miraculous positive transformation using success principiles in parenting.

Following a divine revelation during a moment of uncertainty, she committed wholeheartedly to CCFL, a decision that would transform countless lives globally.

Thomas Liotta

Meet Thomas, the founder of Creating Champions For Life, whose journey began in an unexpected way.

Thomas's story traces back to his teenage years when he coached a group of children. This experience sparked a realization: guiding kids rather than dictating to them yields incredible results. His approach earned recognition as his after-school martial art program made it into the Hall of

Fame for the most creative after-school program in 2004.

Thomas focuses on ancient teachings, integrating

life skills and personal development into teaching children. He became the first martial art school to be a licensed daycare center, providing a haven for children facing expulsion from other daycares due to behavior disorders.

Thomas's innovative methods transformed the lives of these kids. From Ninja Night sleepovers to outings to the Museum of Flight, he instilled goal-setting, self-control, and problem-solving skills.

What Parents are Saying...

"This program is a way to get the whole family on track, step by step. It is a one size fits all that is 100% tailored to each family. Really empowering on so many levels.

Aravinda Berggreen

 "I've learned that my children and I have been speaking a different language, but now we're bridging the gap between us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your impact on my life." 

Dawn Worthing

 "CCFL has been a godsend for my family. I've witnessed incredible transformations in my children. My son, who struggled with ODD, now organizes his day, helps his sister with schoolwork, tidies up, and follows a bedtime routine. If we can do it, anyone can. Thank you, Bonnie and Thomas!"

Marie DM

Ensure you make this special Creating Champions For Life Special Event...Register Now.

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